Applicants Tab

See Also...

The Applicant Tab appears in all consumer and dealer applications.

The primary applicant is the individual you enter on the New Consumer Application page or New Dealer Application page. The applicant form for this person is generated automatically on the Application page.

In all dealer applications, this tab has two sections: Personal Information and Employment Information.

You may have up to two applicants (your primary and secondary) and two corresponding co-applicants (one for each applicant). An example of an applicant and co-applicant would be a husband and wife, one as the applicant and the other as the co-applicant. Credit reports are pulled for all applicants and co-applicants.

On the Decision page, a financial summary section will appear for each applicant/co-applicant pair. A co-applicant's financial data is rolled up into the financial data shown in the applicant subsection. See the Decision Support Section topic for more information.

Note: In a multiple applicant application, the ARM Score used will be from the applicant with the highest credit bureau score, which may or may not be the primary applicant. All applicants are displayed on the Decision Application page.

Generating a Secondary Applicant

To generate a secondary applicant, click the secondaryapplicanticon.gif icon. To generate a co-applicant for your primary or secondary applicant, such as a spouse, click on the Action menu business_menu_icon.gif and select Add Co-Applicant. When you create a co-applicant for an applicant, the applicant's information defaults to that of the applicant; you can edit the information as needed.

Here are notes about some of the fields and features in this section:

Note: Some of these fields apply only to consumer applications.


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