
Home > Submitting Business, Consumer, and Dealer Loans for Processing > Submitting Dealer Loans > New Dealer Application Page

 New Dealer Application Page


When you create a dealer application, the first page that displays is the New Dealer Application page.  See Introduction to the Workflow for details on how the New Dealer Application page fits in to the application workflow.  

Field Information

Fill out the fields on the Baker Hill Bank2Dealer New Dealer Application page as follows.

Applicant Information Fields

Primary Applicant

Required.  You can enter additional applicants on the Application page.

Home Address

Required.  The system uses the ZIP code to verify that this business is within the area serviced by your financial institution (i.e., that the ZIP code is included in the list defined by your financial institution).  This check occurs when you click Continue.

SSN (Social Security Number)

Optional.  Note:  If you’re entering a Social Security Number rather than a business tax ID number, be sure to type the dashes in the SSN format (xxx-xx-xxxx); if you don’t enter any dashes, the number will automatically be formatted in the business tax ID format (xx-xxxxxxx).

Dealer Information Fields

Date Application Taken

Required.  Defaults to today’s date.  To change it, click the calendar icon next to the field and choose the date.  (If you took the application on paper prior to today, you can enter the date on which the application was taken.)


Required.  Select the dealer from the Dealer list, which is populated with the list of dealers entered by your Administrator in your Bank2Dealer setup.

Dealer Contact

Required.  After selecting the Dealer, the Dealer Contact list populates with the contact(s) defined in your setup for the selected dealer.  Select the contact.

Product Selection Fields

Select a single product (you cannot select multiple products or enter a quantity greater than 1) from the list of products defined by your Administrator in your Bank2Dealer setup.

Collateral Type Fields

A list of possible collateral items associated with the selected product (defined in your Bank2Dealer setup) displays.  Select the applicable collateral item(s) and enter the quantity if the applicant has more than one item of the selected collateral type.  (One is the default quantity.)

Note:  You have to deselect the collateral item(s) you don't want.


When you click the Continue button, the applicant information you entered is checked against all applications in your Baker Hill Bank2Business, Baker Hill Bank2Consumer, or Bank2Dealer database, depending on what kind of application you're creating, to see whether any other applications have been entered for this applicant.  (See the Similar Application Check dialog Help topic for details on what fields are checked and how to use this dialog).  If any are found, you'll have the opportunity to pull information from that application into your new application.

If any problems are found with the data entered — for example, a ZIP code that falls outside the service area — the problem field will be highlighted in red, and you will need to correct the problem before proceeding.

You'll then proceed to the Dealer Application Page to fill out the application.


See Also...       


This topic was last updated February 8, 2019.

© 2019 Baker Hill Solutions, LLC