Similar Application Check


After you complete the New Application page, the applicant information you entered is checked against other applications in the database to see whether any other applications have been created for the same applicant. If any are found, the Similar Application Check dialog displays.

Note:  For users with multiple Baker Hill Origination offerings, the Similar Application Check looks only at the same type of application as the one currently being created. In Baker Hill Bank2Consumer and Baker Hill Bank2Dealer offerings, the Similar Application Check looks at only the primary applicant (not secondary applicants), checking it against other primary applicants on previous Bank2Consumer or Bank2Dealer applications.

Similar Application Check Dialog Box Details

The upper box in the Similar Application Check dialog shows the potential matches. Hover over one of these matches to bring up more details about the application in the lower box of the dialog. Also, when you hover over a match, a pop-up menu appears, with the following option:

Copy Data into New Application: Copy data from this application into the new application that you're creating. After you select this option, the Application page appears, filled in with data from this other application (you can edit the data that was filled in).

You can click the Create New button to ignore the potential matches and open the Application page with a new, blank application.

Note for Bank2Business applications: If you entered a tax ID number in the New Small Business Application page's Tax ID field, similar applications appear only if an exact match for the tax ID number is found; otherwise, the list of similar applications consists of those that exactly match the business name you entered on the New Small Business Application page as well as the first two digits of the ZIP code you entered.

Note for Bank2Consumer applications: If you entered a social security number in the New Consumer Application page's SSN field, similar applications appear only if an exact match for the social security number is found; otherwise, the list of similar applications consists of those that exactly match the first and last names you entered on the New Consumer Application page as well as the first two digits of the ZIP code you entered.


See Also...       


This topic was last updated September 24, 2018.

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