Introduction to the Workflow

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Origination works your application through a series of predefined tasks. The exact tasks and the sequence of the tasks depend upon your institution's configuration for the product(s) in the application.

Workflow Details (Baker Hill Bank2Consumer and Baker Hill Bank2Dealer)

A Bank2Consumer or Bank2Dealer application follows this basic workflow. For details about Baker Hill Bank2Business applications, refer to the business lending workflow.

Origination uses the interactive processing feature to allow a user with the appropriate permissions, to move the application through multiple tasks.

Note: Interactive processing is always enabled. Contact Baker Hill Client Support if you wish to get Interactive processing disabled.  

The Interactive page displays the application’s current task, including automatic tasks (such as scoring). At each task, if you have permission to work on that task, you can accept the application. In addition, you also have the option to forward the task to another eligible user. Eligibility is based on the receiving user's Role and Business Unit. Forwarding the application can be accomplished by selecting the Forward Application to Another User link.

Note: Interactive processing is not enabled for the following Bank2Dealer processes: Edit App, Incomplete and Import Verification.

When Application Is in This Part of Workflow...

The Following Actions Take Place...

Then Application Goes to This Part of Workflow...

Incomplete/Invalid task

User creates the application and submits it.

Check for pre-score credit policy violations.

Check for pre-score credit policy violations

Checks whether the application violates any pre-score credit policies defined for the products in this application.

All Bank2Dealer applications with no violations found go directly to scoring.

If no violations are found and no products in application are configured for pre-scoring Verifications and Collateral checklist task, the application goes to scoring.

If no violations are found and any product in application is configured for pre-scoring Verifications and Collateral Checklist task, the application goes to Verifications and Collateral Checklist pre-decision task.

If violations are found, the application goes immediately to Decision Task or could auto-decline.

Verifications and Collateral Checklist pre-decision task (does not apply to Bank2Dealer)

User completes the task.


Scoring and Report Retrieval

Bank2Business: Application is scored using Fair Isaac's Bank2Business Scoring Service Model Suite of Scorecards.

Bank2Consumer: Application is scored using the scoring method selected by your institution: credit bureau scoring or Fair Isaac's Application Risk Model Suite of Scorecards.

Bank2Dealer: Application is scored using the scoring method selected by your institution: credit bureau scoring or Fair Isaac's Application Risk Model Suite of Scorecards.

Check for post-score credit policy triggers.

In the event of an auto-approve or auto-decline, the Bank2Dealer application jumps to Communication of Decision, unless a post-score credit policy violation prevents the auto-approval.

Check for post-score credit policy triggers

Checks whether the application triggers any post-score credit policies defined for the products in this application.



User has the following options:

a) Complete the task with a recommended decision.

b) Reprocess the application.

If application is not reprocessed, where application goes depends on your product configuration and/or the authorized decision for the application. Application could also be auto-approved or auto-declined.


a) If any product in a Bank2Business application is configured to always go to Customer Acceptance or authorized decision is approve with conditions or counteroffer, the application goes to Customer Acceptance task.

b) If any product in a Bank2Business application is configured for post-decision Verifications and Collateral Checklist, and condition specified in (a) is not true, the application goes to Verifications and Collateral Checklist post-decision task.

c) If conditions specified in (a) and (b) above are not true and any product in the application is configured for documents, the application goes to the Document Preparation task.

d) If conditions specified in (a), (b), and ( c) above are not true and any product in application is configured for Booking, the application goes to Booking task.

e) If conditions specified in (a), (b), ( c), and ( d) above are not true, the application is now complete.

If application is reprocessed, it is checked again for pre-score credit policy violations and then goes to scoring.


a) If any product in a Bank2Consumer application is configured to always go to Customer Acceptance or authorized decision is approve with conditions or counteroffer the application goes to Customer Acceptance task.

b) If any product in a Bank2Consumer application is configured for post-decision Verifications and Collateral Checklist, and condition specified in (a) is not true, the application goes to Verifications and Collateral Checklist post-decision task.

c) If conditions specified in (a) and (b) above are not true and any product in the application is configured for Document Preparation, the application goes to the Document Preparation task.

d) If conditions specified in (a), (b), and ( c) above are not true and any product in application is configured for Booking, the application goes to Booking task.

e) If conditions specified in (a), (b), ( c), and ( d) above are not true, the application is now complete.

If application is reprocessed, it is checked again for pre-score credit policy violations and then goes to scoring.


a) If the Bank2Dealer application is not reprocessed, the application moves to the Communicate Decision task after the final decision is entered.

b) If any product in a Bank2Dealer application is configured to always go to Customer Acceptance, or authorized decision is approve with conditions or counteroffer, the application goes to Dealer (Customer) Acceptance task.

c) If conditions specified in (a) and (b) above are not true and any product in the application is configured for Document Preparation, the application goes to the Document Preparation task.

d) If conditions specified in (a), (b), and ( c) above are not true and any product in application is configured for Booking, the application goes to Booking task.

e) If conditions specified in (a), (b), ( c), and ( d) above are not true, the application is now complete.

If application is reprocessed, it is checked again for pre-score credit policy violations and then goes to scoring.

Communication of Decision (Bank2Dealer applications)

This is an automated task in which Bank2Dealer attempts to fax the decision to the dealer, assuming the dealer contact or dealer business unit has a fax number defined.

After the fax has been sent successfully, the application moves to the next task in the Bank2Dealer workflow:

Dealer Acceptance Task

The application moves to the Dealer Acceptance (also called Customer Acceptance) task after the Communicate Decision automated task in the following cases:

  • Product is configured to require Dealer Acceptance. If the application contains a product that has been configured to require the Dealer Acceptance task and that product has been approved (or received a counteroffer decision), the application will always enter the Dealer Acceptance task, regardless of whether a fax was sent successfully in the Communicate Decision task.

  • No fax was sent. If no fax number could be found or if the fax could not be sent successfully due to an error, approved applications may enter the Acceptance task or move on to the next applicable task.

    Note: This applies to approved applications; denied applications move to Completed status.

Verification of Contract Terms Task

The application moves to the Verification of Contract Terms task directly after the Communicate Decision automated task if both of the following conditions are true:

  • None of the cases in which the application would move to the Dealer Acceptance task is applicable/

  • The application contains an approved (or counteroffered) product that is configured to require the Verification of Contract Terms task.

Booking Decision Task

The application moves to the Booking Decision task directly after the Communicate Decision automated task if both of the following conditions are true:

  • None of the cases in which the application would move to the Dealer Acceptance task is applicable.

  • The application contains no products that are configured to require the Verification of Contract Terms task.

Customer Negotiation task (does not apply to Bank2Dealer)

User has the following options:

a) Change the negotiated position.

b) Accept the negotiated position.

If you do not accept customer's negotiated position: Application goes to Customer Acceptance task.

If you accept customer's negotiated position:

a) If any product in application is configured for Document Preparation: Application goes to Document Preparation.

b) If condition specified in (a) above is not true and any product in application is configured for Booking: Application goes to Booking task.

c) If conditions specified in (a) and (b) above are not true, application is now complete.

Acceptance task

Bank2Business: User has the following options, based on the customer's position:

a) Negotiate the conditions.

b) Accept the conditions.

Bank2Consumer: User has the following options, based on the customer's position:

a) Complete the application.

b) Accept the conditions.

Bank2Dealer: User has the following options, based on the dealer's position:

a) Negotiate the terms.

b) Accept the terms.

Note: An application that requires negotiation is returned to the Pending Decision task. (Bank2Dealer does not include a separate Negotiation task.)


If customer chooses to negotiate position, the application goes to Customer Negotiation task.

If customer accepts conditions, where application goes depends on your product configuration:

a) If any product in the application is configured for post-decision Verifications and Collateral Checklist, the application goes to Verifications and Collateral Checklist post-decision task.

b) If condition specified in (a) above is not true and any product in application is configured for Document Preparation: Application goes to Document Preparation.

c) If conditions specified in (a) and (b) above are not true and any product in application is configured for Booking: Application goes to Booking task.

d) If conditions specified in (a), (b) and ( c) above are not true, application is now complete.


If customer chooses to complete, the application goes to Complete.

a) If any product in the application is configured for post-decision Verifications and Collateral Checklist, the application goes to Verifications and Collateral Checklist post-decision task.

b) If condition specified in (a) above is not true and any product in application is configured for Document Preparation: Application goes to Document Preparation.

c)  If conditions specified in (a) and (b) above are not true and any product in application is configured for Booking: Application goes to Booking task.

d) If conditions specified in (a), (b) and ( c) above are not true, application is now complete.


If the dealer accept the terms, the application is complete and moves to one of the following tasks:

a) Verification of Contract Terms task if a product on the application has been configured to require this task.

b) Booking Decision task if no product requires the Verification of Contract Terms task.

Note: If the application is rejected, it is now complete.

Verifications and Collateral Checklist post-decision task (does not apply to Bank2Dealer)

User completes the task.

Where application goes depends on your product configuration and/or the authorized decision for the application.

If the application is verified and decisioned:

a) If any product in application is configured for Document Preparation: Application goes to Document Preparation task.

b) If conditions specified in (a) above are not true and any product in application is configured for Booking: Application goes to Booking task.

c) If conditions specified in (a) and (b) above are not true, application is now complete.

Verification of Contract Terms (Bank2Dealer applications)

A user assigned the Verify Contract role accepts the application from the Verification of Contract Terms group task and uses the Carleton Compliance and Dealer Reserve tool to verify the terms of the agreement.

The user can send the application back to the Pending Decision task to resolve issues if necessary.

If the terms are verified to the user’s satisfaction, the application moves to the Booking Decision task.

Document Preparation task

User completes the task.

If any product in application is configured for Booking: Application goes to Booking task.

If not: Application is now complete.

Booking task

User completes the task.

Application is now complete.

You have the option to export the Bank2Dealer data file in XML for booking.


Application is now complete.

If redecisioned, application goes to Decision task.


Customer Acceptance and Negotiation

A financial institution can choose in its setup to define a product as requiring customer (or dealer) acceptance. If an application contains an approved product that requires customer acceptance, the application goes to the Requiring Customer Acceptance task after being decisioned (whether auto-approved or manually decisioned). A relationship manager accepts the application from the task, contacts the applicant (or dealer), and records whether the applicant accepts the offer or wants to negotiate the terms of the offer.

Additionally, if the underwriter conditionally approves or counteroffers a product, the application goes to the Requiring Customer Acceptance task, regardless of whether the product was set up to require customer acceptance. (This statement is not true of Bank2Dealer; if the product is not set up to require customer acceptance, the product will never go to the Dealer Acceptance task, regardless of whether the decision included conditions or was a counteroffer.)

If the customer has chosen to negotiate the terms and/or conditions of the offer, the application next moves into the Pending Negotiation task. (Bank2Dealer does not include a Pending Negotiation task.) A user who has been assigned the Negotiation role or Underwriter role accepts the application from the task and decides whether to accept the customer’s position.

The final decision options are the same as for the initial decision.

When an application leaves the Customer Acceptance task, an email notification is sent to all users with an underwriting role in the business unit in which the application was created. This email notification is tied to the Ready to Decision notification in the setup; if your financial institution has enabled the Ready to Decision notification, then you have the Customer Acceptance notification as well.

Note: If your institution has turned on the option for centralized underwriting, these email notifications are sent to all users with an underwriting role in either the business unit in which the application was created or the Relationship Manager's primary business unit.

Application Editing Instructions

Applications may be sent back to the appropriate relationship managers' Applications Requiring Editing task. These applications were either returned by the system prior to scoring or returned by the underwriter during decisioning. The reason the application was returned is indicated in the System Messages section on the application.

Note that because this application contains a System Messages section, you will see a warning symbol (an exclamation point) beside the application on your home page.

The application needs to be accepted, edited if necessary, and returned to the scoring process.

From your home page, click the application to open it. (If you only want to view the application, right-click it and choose a view option to open it in read-only mode.)

See the Edit Application page for details on how to edit and process these applications.


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