Edit Application Page


An application requiring editing was either returned by the system prior to scoring or returned by the Underwriter during decisioning. The reason the application was returned is indicated in the System Messages section on the application.

A key functionality of the Edit Application page is the ability to change the product selection.


Applications can be returned for editing for various reasons.

Enter the correct D-U-N-S or Experian number on the application and then click the Complete button to send the application back for scoring. Or...

You can choose to enter NO-REPORT, which means that no business reports will be retrieved and the Business Report Score will be 0. Click the Complete button to send the application back for scoring. Remember: Whether the application you’re submitting is supposed to return a business report depends on your financial institution’s setup.

Note: Attachments can be made to applications any time during the application process.  See the Documents page for more information.

Changing the Product Selection (Bank2Business and Bank2Consumer applications)

At the Edit Application task, you can remove any of the products on the application that have not yet been decisioned and add more products.

To change the product selection, follow these steps:

  1. Select Change Products from the Other Actions menu at the bottom of the page.

The Change Products on an Existing Application page appears. This page first lists the undecisioned products on the application (deselect the checkbox to remove the product, if desired) and then lists the same product list that you see on the New Application page.

  1. Select the checkbox for any product(s) you want to add. (At least one product on the page must be selected.)

  2. Click the Continue button on the Change Products on an Existing Application page to return to the Edit Application page.

  3. When done with your edits, click Complete on the Edit Application page to complete the editing task and send the application back through the decisioning workflow.

On Hold

If the user who reprocessed the application put the application on hold as part of the reprocessing, the application will remain on hold until you complete the editing task. When you click Complete on the Edit Application page, the application will no longer be considered on hold and will continue through the workflow.


See Also...       


This topic was last updated September 24, 2018.

© 2018 Baker Hill Solutions, LLC