Customer Information File (CIF) Lookup Dialog Box


The Customer Information File (CIF) Lookup dialog allows you to search for customer applications based on a customer's first and last name, and/or Social Security Number (SSN).  After finding the application you want, you can copy the data to another application, saving you time.

Note:  For users with multiple Baker Hill Origination options, the CIF Lookup searches only for customers tied to the same type of application as the one currently being created.  For example, if you were creating a Baker Hill Bank2Consumer application for John Doe, the CIF Lookup would search for other Bank2Consumer applications linked to John Doe.

In Bank2Consumer and Bank2Dealer, the CIF Lookup checks only the primary applicant against other applicants on previous consumer or dealer applications.

Follow these steps to access the CIF Lookup dialog:

  1. In the header of the Applicants/Co-Applicants section of the Application page, click the Action menu business_menu_icon.gif, and select Lookup Customer Information, to display the CIF Lookup dialog.

    The dialog consists of two sections, Search Criteria and Search Results.  You can use the available fields (First Name, Last Name, and Social Security Number) to narrow your search; note that it is not required to use all fields, but your search results will be narrower the more you use.

    Note:  Baker Hill Origination passes the first name, last name, and SSN to the CIF for use in looking up individuals.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter the customer's information in the First Name, Last Name, and Social Security Number fields.

    Note:  You must enter the customer's SSN and/or the first and last name to perform the search.

  3. Click Search.

  4. The information found for the search criteria displays in the Search Results section, along with a statement telling you how many applications were found.  You have several options for sorting the results:

    • In the Show __ Rows per Page field, enter the number of applications you want displayed per screen.

    • Click one of the four column headings (Name, Tax ID, System, Date of Upload/App) to sort in ascending ( up_arrow.gif ) or descending ( down_arrow.gif ) order within that category.  For example, if you want to sort by the type of application taken (Baker Hill  Bank2Business, Bank2Consumer, or Baker Hill Bank2Dealer), click System.

    • After you click one of the column headings to sort by that particular information, you then have the option to select which page you want to view in the Page __ of __ field.  (The number of pages will vary depending upon the number of rows per page you've chosen to display.)  You can either select which page you want from the list, or you can click show___page_arrows.gif to Show First Page, Show Previous Page, Show Next Page, or Show Last Page, respectively.

  5. When you find the application that fits, right-click anywhere on the application and select Copy Data.

    Bank2Business displays co-applicant name matches from the CIF along with matches from within Origination.  The Source column in the list of results displays the solution from which the name came.

    Note:  The Date of Update is not imported from the CIF.  Therefore, this column will be empty for items imported from Advisor.


See Also...       


This topic was last updated February 8, 2019.

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