Decision Support Tab

See Also...

The Decision Support tab of the Decision Application page is where you'll find credit bureau reports and financial information for the applicants and co-applicants in the application.

Credit Bureau Summary Section

A Credit Bureau Summary section appears for every applicant and co-applicant. This section summarizes the credit bureau report for this applicant or co-applicant. The On-Line Score Model field indicates what scoring model was requested from the credit reporting agency. If your institution is configured to request a second score for Baker Hill Bank2Consumer applicants, the On-Line Score 2 fields in this section display the returned data.

Note: The score factors and affecters for any second score are returned as code values. Please refer to your Fair Isaac scoring model documentation for the definitions of the returned code values. The code value descriptions are also available in the full text of the credit bureau report.

Click the Full Credit Bureau Details button that appears in the subsection header to see the full text of the credit bureau report.

Financial Summary Section

A Financial Summary section appears for the primary applicant and for the secondary applicant, if any. This section combines the data for the applicant/co-applicant pair (no separate Financial Summary subsection appears for co-applicants).

Note the following about the Financial Summary section:

Refreshing Calculations

When you change any of the most common adjustment fields on the Decision page that affect the calculations, a floating window showing a Calculate button appears along the right side of the application to remind you that a calculation is needed. You can continue to make changes and scroll through the entire Decision page. The floating window remains visible until you click the button to save your changes and refresh the calculations based on the financial information. You will not lose your place on the screen when you use this option.

Note: Clicking the Calculate button does not re-evaluate any credit policies. You must click the Save button to re-evaluate the credit policies and update any calculated fields displayed in the credit policy messages.

A permanent Calculate button is also available at the bottom of the Decision page. This button is always visible, so you can scroll down and click on it at any time. However, the page will only refresh if you have changed at least one field on the Decision page.

Note: The permanent Calculate button is not tied to changes on the common adjustment fields. It will refresh the page regardless of whether the latest change or changes affected the calculations. If you did not change any fields used in calculations, the calculated fields will not change when the page is refreshed in this manner.


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