Rerouting an Application

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Rerouting an application allows you the options of retrieving new scores and bureau reports and sending the application back for editing (including the possibility of changing the product selection on the application). You can also put the application on hold while it's waiting to be edited.

Note: You do not have to reprocess an application back to the Edit task in order to include additional VCC, Document Preparation, or Booking data to your application. Edit pages are provided for these tasks in which you can enter this data. You can access the edit pages via the Other Action menu on the task page.

The Reroute Application option is used to move an application back “upstream” in the Origination workflow. Routing an application could be necessary because additional collateral needs to be added to the application, it is discovered in the post-decision task that the application needs more information added to it, or that the application was completed prematurely. Previously, a user would have to take multiple steps to return the application to the appropriate upstream task.

The Reroute Application option is included in the Other Actions menu on the following task pages for Bank2Business and Bank2Consumer applications:

This option only appears when these task pages are in the edit mode, when the application is in the corresponding task in the workflow, and for users with the security permission to edit applications. For Bank2Dealer applications, the Reroute Application task only appears on the Decision Application page.

Note: On the Decision and Negotiation pages, the Reroute Application option has replaced the Reprocess menu option.

When you select the Reroute Application option, the Reroute Application page is displayed.

Rerouting Details

Note the following about reprocessing:

If the Pull New Report check box shown for a bureau report is checked, a new report will be retrieved. If the check box is not checked, a new report will not be retrieved unless you change the reporting agency selected (if your financial institution has specified multiple reporting agencies in its setup).  

Scored Versus Judgmental Applications

The credit process type used for a particular application is determined by the selection of products when the application is created. At that point, an application is set to be either scored or judgmental. This initial credit process type is fixed and remains valid for the entire life of the application, regardless of what changes may be made to the products or exposure when it is reprocessed. This change has the following effects:

Placing an Application on Hold

When rerouting an application, you can indicate that the application is on hold while waiting for additional information needed to complete the application.

To place an application on hold, choose your other rerouting options as you normally would, and be sure to select Yes from the Place application on hold drop-down list before clicking the Continue button to reroute the application.

An application on hold is sent to the Applications Requiring Editing task as normal. When the editing task is completed (that is, when the user who accepts the application from this task clicks the Complete button on the Edit Application page), the “on hold” designation is removed and the application continues through the workflow.

Note: The time that an application spends on hold will be deducted from the turnaround time calculations used in reports and will also be deducted from calculations for the application alerts feature (the “clock” for calculating the time from application submission to initial decision will stop while the application is on hold). However, being on hold will not affect the task alerts; time spent on hold will not be deducted when calculating time spent in a task for the purposes of displaying a warning or critical task alert.

When searching for applications, users can use the “on hold” designation as a search criterion, and a special icon indicates applications that are on hold (see the Finding An Existing Business, Consumer, or Dealer Loan Application page Help topic).


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