Decisions Tab

See Also...

This tab is where you see the scoring information, credit policy messages (if any), recommended decision, and other pertinent information, and it's also where you record your decision.

For all Baker Hill Origination offerings, the Decision page Product Bar displays both Score and Credit Policy Based recommendations, except in the case of Baker Hill Bank2Business Judgmental decisions. In that case, only Credit Policy Based recommendations are displayed on the Decision page.

The following information is listed on the Product subsection header bar for each product:

Click the plus icon (or click anywhere in the product's subsection heading) to expand the product subsection.

You can remove products that have not yet been decisioned and add more products to the application by reprocessing the application and then using the Change Products feature on the Edit Application page.

Note the following:

Each product subsection is further divided into three more subsections: Scoring Summary, Credit Policy Messages, and Recommendations and Decisioning.

Scoring Summary

The scoring information is shown within the Scoring Summary section.  

To examine details about how the scores were derived, see summary sections of the decision page. You can also look at the original application by clicking the View Application button.

Note: In certain cases, a Scoring Exception may occur, with only non-predictive scores returned. The Scoring Summary section will indicate that a Scoring Exception has occurred.

Action Menu

An action menu on the Product bar in the Credit Request section of the  Decision page. If a product meets the Credit Analysis Collation Rule(s), the Open Commercial Product Definition menu item is available in the Action Menu.

Credit Policy Messages

The number of credit policy messages that were triggered by this application appears in parentheses in the Credit Policy Messages heading bar. If the number you see in parentheses is greater than zero, click the plus sign in the Credit Policy Messages heading bar to expand the section and see the messages.

Recommendations and Decisioning

In the Recommendations and Decisioning section, the Requested fields are taken directly from the application. The Recommended fields derive from the base price schedule and credit risk schedule.

Note: The Recommended Amount field will be affected if the product configuration includes a credit limit schedule. See your administrator with questions about product configuration.

In the Authorized section, choose your decision from the drop-down list. (If you want to enter comments about your decision, use the Comments section.)

Note: Your Score Authority settings, as defined in your security record, affect your ability to override decisions. If the application's Total Score is not within your Score Authority range, you will not be able to override the decision yourself. See the Lending and Score Authority topic for more details.

Note: The Lending Authority setting, Allow Override of Rate, as defined in your user record, affects your ability to override the Authorized Rate, Rate Type, and Index fields. If the application's Total Score is not within your Score Authority range, you will not be able to override the decision yourself.

Potential Score-Based Decline Reasons and Potential Credit Policy Decline Reasons

The Potential Score Decline Reasons are now displayed in the Recommendations and Decisioning sub-section of the Decision page.

For Credit Policy recommended Declines, the Credit Policy decline reasons are also displayed in the Recommendations and Decisioning sub-section of the Decision page.

Display Credit Policy Approve Messages

For Credit Policy recommended Approves, the Credit Policy Approve messages are displayed on the Recommendations and Decisioning sub-section of the Decision page.

There is no limit to the number of Approve reasons that are displayed on the Decision page. The number of Approve reasons is dependant on the number of Approve Credit Policies that are triggered.

Conditional Approval

When approving the application, you can choose to apply conditions to your approval. The list of possible conditions is defined by your financial institution in its setup.

After you complete the application, it moves to the Customer Acceptance task, where the relationship manager presents the terms and conditions to the applicant. If the applicant wants to counter the terms and/or conditions, the relationship manager records the applicant's position and sends the application to the Pending Negotiation task.

Inappropriate Decline Reasons

Some Credit Policy rules are not appropriate for all application types. Although no rule prevents assigning an inappropriate decline Credit Policy to a Credit Policy set, the system does alert you if the application triggered an inappropriate decline Credit Policy. The decline reasons associated with any Credit Policy that is triggered are now displayed on the Decision page, even if the Credit Policy is not appropriate to the offering type for the application. Inappropriate decline reasons are labeled as such so you can notify your system administrator to correct the issue.  

Populating Default Decline Reasons on Decision Page

For decline decisions, the Decline Type is automatically set to Judgmental if there is no valid score (the score is empty or negative), or 0, 998, or 999.  

When your underwriter selects a Decline Type, the default decline reasons are based on the selected Decline Type. The decline reason choices are:

If the underwriter changes the Decline Type, the listed reasons are updated to reflect this change. If the underwriter changes from a Judgmental Decline Type to one of the other Decline Types, the judgmental decline reasons entered by the underwriter are deleted.


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