A separate summary is provided for each principal. When you expand (open) the Principal Summary section, you see a separate subsection for each principal, with the principal's name, credit bureau score (if using Fair Isaac scoring), and percent ownership shown in the subsection heading bar. Credit reports are returned for up to six principals entered on the application.
The Application Analysis part of the Principal Summary section is calculated using data entered on the application. The Credit Analysis part is a summary of key fields from the credit report, including the Credit Bureau Score, if applicable. If your institution is configured to request a second principal score from Fair Isaac for Baker Hill Bank2Business principals, it also appears in the Credit Analysis section. (See Scoring Exceptions for information on errors encountered on the credit report.) Credit bureau score and second principal score are not available for Experian Intelliscore scoring.
Note about joint principals: If joint principals were entered, fields related to financial statements are blank for the secondary principal. Refer to the primary principal's Principal Summary, where these fields apply to both of the joint principals.
The Principal Summary also includes a Debt Service Analysis subsection, which reports the individual applicant's income and debt as calculated both from data entered on the application and from data reported by the credit bureau. You have three options for making adjustments to these calculated fields:
To adjust the income and debt application data, select the radio button for the App value of the field you want to edit (if it is available) and click the Edit button to the right of the field to open the section of the application that is used in calculating that field. The fields on the Debt Relationship Management Dialog Box that contribute to the value you want to change will be available for editing. Adjust the value in the appropriate field(s) as needed, and click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Decision Application page. An Explain comment box will appear to the right of the field for you to record an optional description of the change.
To adjust the trade line data reported by the credit bureau, select the radio button for the Bureau value of the field you want to edit (if it is available) and click the Edit button to the right of the field to open the Edit Trade Lines dialog box. Adjust the trade line data as needed, and click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Decision Application page. An Explain comment box will appear to the right of the field for you to record an optional description of the change.
Note: If you have opened the Decision page in view-only mode and the decisioner has selected the Bureau value for any of the Annual Debt Service payment fields, you can view the trade line data reported by the credit bureau. Click the View button beside one of the payment fields to open the Edit Trade Lines dialog box with all fields read-only.
To enter a manual adjustment that is not based on application data, simply change the value in the field or use the Adjustments to Income or Adjustments to Debt fields. When you modify one of these fields, a new Explain text box will appear beside the field so that you can identify what you entered.
Note: The dollar value of Living Expenses is a read-only field calculated by multiplying the principal's income by the living expenses estimation percentage. If you want to modify the Living Expenses value, change the percentage in the % of available income field to achieve the desired calculated dollar value.
As you make adjustments, click the floating Calculate button to recalculate the fields displaying totals and Debt Coverage Ratios.
Note: Editing values on the Decision Application page will not rescore an application. To rescore an application, you must use the Reprocess feature available from the Decision task.
If a credit report is available, you will see a Credit Bureau Report button in the principals subsection. A separate report is created for each of the top two principals (the principals with the largest percentage of ownership). Click the Credit Bureau Report button to view the report. The report opens in a separate window; click the X to close the window. When Experian Intelliscore is in use, the button label reads Business Owner Profile. Click the button to open the BOP report in a separate window. Individual bureau reports are also available as attachments in the Documents section on this page and on the Documents page.
Note: Entries made in the Signers/Co-Signers Only section of the application will not be reflected on the Decision Application page, as these entries do not affect the Bank2Business decisioning process. Also note that no credit report is returned for these entries. However, if the application contains Signers/Co-Signers Only entries, you can view them by opening the application (use the View Application button).
The following fields have been added to the Principal section of the Bank2Business Judgmental and SBFE Decision page:
Principal’s Credit Bureau Score
Principal’s Credit Bureau Score 2
Revolving Credit: Active Accounts, Available Credit and Credit Balance
Installment Loans: Active Accounts and Credit Balance
Total Amount Past Due
Bankruptcy on Credit Report
The Score field has also been added to the Principal header bar.
This allows clients to use Bank2Business Judgmental, such as for the Commercial Business Lending Option (CBLO), in conjunction with SBSS. The data that appears on the Decision page is very similar to what appears on the SBSS Decision page. Also, if you wish to migrate from SBSS to Bank2Business Judgmental for small business, the user interface will now be very familiar. In both cases, the need for training and familiarity is reduced.