Introduction to the Application Process


This topic presents the basic instructions for creating a Baker Hill Origination application.  If you need more specific information about a particular application type, use the links from the See Also button below to jump directly to the topic covering that Application page.

Starting an Application

If you have the applicable rights, you can fill out a new application by logging in and choosing one of the following from the Navigation bar, depending on which offerings your financial institution has licensed:

Note:  Offerings that are not available to your financial institution are disabled.

You first see the New Application page, where you select the products and provide basic applicant/bank information; then you proceed to the Application page.

Click the links below to jump to the Help topic specific to your application type.

If you want to work on an existing application (one that's incomplete, invalid, or in need of edits), click the application link on your Home page to open the Application screen (you won't see the New Application page — the screen for selecting products — for an existing application).

How to Use the Application Page

Here's how the Application page works:

Optional Tabs (Data Not Provided)

Your financial institution chooses which tabs are required and which are optional for each type of product.  A checkbox labeled No (data) was provided for this application displays for application tabs that may be omitted (optional tabs), allowing you to indicate whether you purposely left the tab blank.  If you leave the no-data-provided checkbox deselected for a tab, the tab will be considered required, and you will not be allowed to submit the application until you've either filled out the tab or selected the Not Applicable checkbox.

Note:  An exception to this is the Government Reporting and Other Information tab.  When your System Administrator sets this as required for a product, you still have the options to select the No part of the loan proceeds is to be used for repairing, rehabilitating, remodeling, or improving a dwelling; NOR for the purchase of a dwelling checkbox.


At any time while completing the application, you can click Save to save the data that you've entered, and then choose to either close the application or continue completing it (save often to minimize the risk of data loss).  Later, you can retrieve an unfinished application from the Incomplete/Invalid Applications tab of your Home page (a saved, unfinished application is given the status Incomplete).

When you click Save, a message will display.  Choose OK if you want to close the application; choose Cancel if you want to save the application but keep it open (i.e., continue working on it).


At any time while completing an application, you can select Validate from the Other Actions menu (located at the bottom of the Application page) to check that you've completed all required fields and tabs.  If errors are found during validation (including the omission of a required section), the fields that contain errors are highlighted in red and the tabs are identified with red circles beside the tab name so that you can easily see where the errors are and correct them before submitting.

Note:  Required fields are identified with a red asterisk (*) to assist you in completing the application correctly.

Please note that using the Validate button is optional.  When you click Submit, the validation process occurs automatically; if errors are found, they're identified for you to correct before the application is submitted, just as if you'd clicked the Validate button.  The Validate button is intended as a means for you to double-check required fields as you're completing the application rather than waiting until you submit it.

The Validate button automatically saves your work as well.

Interactive Processing

Interactive Processing is available for all Baker Hill Origination tasks and in all Baker Hill Origination offerings.  This means it is possible for a user with the applicable permissions to move the application through all tasks in the workflow without returning to the Home page and searching.

For example, with the applicable security role, a user may create and submit an application, accept the application for the Decision Application task and upon completing the Decision task, accept and complete the application for the Document Preparation task, and so forth, without returning to the Home Page and searching for the application.  This feature allows a user with the applicable roles to retain possession of an application throughout some or all of the process in a more productive manner.

The Interactive page displays the application’s current task, including automatic tasks (such as scoring).  Also, if you have permission to do the next task in the workflow, you can accept the application and move immediately to the next task.  If you do not have the applicable security role to accept the next task in the workflow, you will not be presented with that option.

You do not have to wait for the Interactive page to complete if you either know you do not have permission to continue to the next task or do not wish to retain ownership of the application.  You can immediately click on the link Return to the Home Page as soon as the interactive screen displays.  This returns the application to the applicable Group task queue where any user with applicable permissions can accept it.  

Interactive Processing is modular as well.  That means that it can be active between certain workflow tasks, such as Document Preparation and Booking for example, but inactive between others, such as after Customer Acceptance but before Document Preparation.  When Interactive Processing is inactive, the inactive interface will not be invoked and you will see the interface you have seen in previous releases of Origination.  

Note:  Because there appear to be only productivity advantages to interactive processing between all tasks (no changes to the tasks themselves), interactive processing has been automatically enabled for you for all tasks.  Contact Baker Hill Client Support if you want to have Interactive processing disabled between some or all tasks.

The Interactive page contains a number of other enhancements to improve efficiency:  

Note:  Interactive Processing is disabled for the following Baker Hill Bank2Dealer processes:  Edit Application, Incomplete and Import Verification.  Contact Baker Hill Client Support to have Interactive Processing enabled for these tasks.

You can click the Close button at any time during interactive processing to close the screen.  (Clicking Close does not stop the processing at all, just the display of the processing.)


When an application receives a decision (Approve, Decline, or Withdraw), the Relationship Manager associated with the application, and the user who entered the application, will be notified by email that the application has been decisioned, if your financial institution has implemented the email notification feature. The user can then use the Home page Search functionality to look up the application (the application number and the applicant name will be specified in the email) and view the decision.

Note:  You must have an email address entered in User Properties in order to receive this notification. Please check with your Administrator if you have questions.


At any time from the Application page and the Decision page, you can attach files to the application and access the predefined documents in the Documents Page.


See Also...       


This topic was last updated February 8, 2019.

© 2019 Baker Hill Solutions, LLC