Selecting the Reroute Application task on the Consumer Application page opens the Reroute Application page. The Reprocess Application page consists of three tabs:
Reprocess Reason
Credit Bureau Reports
After having selected all the appropriate options and entered comments as desired, click the Continue button at the bottom of the page to send the application either to the Applications Requiring Editing task or directly to scoring, depending on your selection in the Reprocessing section.
Select one of the following options in the Route to Task drop-down field:
Bureau Processing (this is the default setting when the Reroute Application page is accessed from the Decision page)
Edit/Reprocess (displays for all users when routing from the Decision or Negotiation tasks, and from other tasks for users who have the “Allowed to route Business Applications to Edit Task” check box selected on his or her User Properties dialog box)
For the User Assignment field, select one of the available options in order to determine what happens with the application. Some or all of these options may be disabled conditionally, depending on the selection made in the Route to Task list and your user permissions. These are the options that might be available:
Send Application to My Task list: Select this option if the application contains incomplete or invalid information that needs to be changed and you want to edit the application yourself. After you edit it, it will be sent to bureau processing.
These actions are subsequently taken when this option is selected:
A task note is added to the current task to indicate that the application has been rerouted.
The application is sent to the selected task.
The application is assigned to the designated user.
The Reroute page is closed and the user is returned to the Home page.
Send Application to Relationship Manager: Select this option if the application contains incomplete or invalid information that the original relationship manager should change. The application will be sent directly to the original relationship manager's Applications Requiring Editing Task list, and after the relationship manager completes the editing task, it will be sent to bureau processing.
These actions are subsequently taken when this option is selected:
A task note is added to the current task to indicate that the application has been rerouted.
The application is send to the selected task.
The application is assigned to the designated user.
The Reroute page is closed and the user is returned to the Home page.
Send Application to Group Task: Select this option if the application contains incomplete or invalid information that needs to be changed by any authorized relationship manager. The application will be sent to the Applications Requiring Editing Group Task List. After a relationship manager has accepted the task and completed it, the application will be sent to bureau processing.
These actions are subsequently taken when this option is selected:
A task note is added to the current task to indicate that the application has been rerouted.
The application is sent to the selected task.
The Reroute page is closed and the user is returned to the Home page.
Forward Application to Another User: Send the application to another user's task list for editing. Selecting this link will display a list of eligible users based on their role and business unit. Once a user has been selected, clicking Complete will forward the application. Clicking Cancel will send the application to the Group Task.
These actions are subsequently taken when this option is selected:
The application is sent to the selected task.
The Reroute page is closed.
The Interactive Processing page opens to display the application’s progress.
When the application arrives in the new task, the Forward Application dialog box appears, displaying the list of users who can accept the task. After the user selects a name and clicks OK:
The application is assigned to the designated user.
The Forward Application dialog box is closed.
The Interactive Processing page is closed and the user is returned to the Home page. If the user clicks Cancel instead, the Forward Application dialog box is closed but the Interactive Processing page remains open. In this case, the application will remain assigned to group, and not to a specific user.
Note: New bureau reports will be retrieved only if the Pull New Report box is checked. See the bureau report options, below.
If you want to place the application on hold, which will turn off the "clock" for calculating application alerts, select the Place application on hold checklist. Select the "Place application on hold" check box to place the application on hold. This check box will be disabled conditionally depending on the selection made in the Route to Task list. The Hold feature is currently only supported when routing the application to Edit.
Below the “Place application on hold” check box is the area reserved for notes about the application’s status. This block of text will be displayed conditionally, depending on the current task of the app (Decision) or the selection made in the Route to Task list (Bureau Processing, Edit/Reprocess, or FSA/Reprocess).
A bold red warning message that reads “You have selected a task that will send the application back through bureau processing. One or more new reports will be pulled automatically” will appear below the Notes section under these circumstances:
The Route to Task drop-down field is set to a task that could potentially send the application through bureau processing again
Any of the reports on the application have the Pull New Report check box selected
Clicking the Complete button will include validation to ensure a selection is made in the Route to Task field, and that one of the User Assignment options is selected, if applicable (note that no assignment selection is required when Bureau Processing is selected).
In the white text entry box that appears in the Reroute Reason tab of the Reroute Application page, explain why you are rerouting the application. Your reroute reason will be added to the application's permanent comment history and will also appear in the System Messages section of the Edit Application page.
The Credit Bureau Reports tab for Bank2Consumer applications shows a summary of the personal credit reports that were retrieved for this application when the application was submitted. Hover over the basic credit report summary to see more details appear in the box below it. To open the entire report in a text window, choose the View Credit Report option from the menu that appears when you right-click the basic credit report summary.
Your financial institution determines in its setup how long bureau reports are valid; if the application is reprocessed during the specified time period, no new reports will be retrieved by default. The key field to note in the bureau reports section is New Report. If this field indicates No, a new report will not be retrieved when the application is rescored. If this field indicates Yes, a new report will be retrieved when the application is rescored. (For credit reports, the Pull New Report field is located in the additional details that appear when you hover over the credit report summary.)
If a new report is not slated to be retrieved (that is, if the Pull New Report field indicates No), you can force a new report to be retrieved by selecting a different reporting agency. (You can also select a different reporting agency if the Pull New Report field indicates Yes.) You can also force a new report to be pulled by selecting Change Pull New Report to Yes.
Note: The option of selecting a different reporting agency depends on whether your financial institution defined multiple reporting agencies in its setup. If your financial institution has defined only a single reporting agency, you will not be able to select a different reporting agency.
To retrieve a credit report from a different reporting agency, right-click the basic credit report summary and choose Modify Agency from the menu that appears to bring up a dialog box showing the reporting agencies available to you. Click one to select it, and then click OK in the dialog box. If the Pull New Report field had indicated No previously, it now indicates Yes.