An application goes to the Acceptance task for one of two reasons:
When the financial institution sets up a product to require customer acceptance, all approved applications containing that product go the Customer Acceptance task.
When the underwriter conditionally approves an application, the application goes to the Customer Acceptance task.
If the Customer Acceptance page shows conditions listed in the Conditions section, the application was conditionally approved by the underwriter. If the Conditions section is blank, the application contains a product that requires customer acceptance.
You can view the original application by clicking the View Application button at the bottom of the Customer Acceptance page. The View Decision button shows you the decision page.
Follow these steps to complete the customer acceptance task:
Contact the applicant and find out whether the terms and conditions are acceptable.
In the Acceptance section of the Customer Acceptance page, select either Customer Accepts Conditions or Negotiate Customer's Position from the Customer's Position list.
If you selected the negotiation option, use the "Please describe..." text box to enter the customer's desired changes to the approved terms and/or conditions.
Click the Complete button when done.
If you selected the negotiation option, the application now goes to the Pending Negotiation task.
If you selected the acceptance option, the application now goes to the Document Preparation task (if implemented by your financial institution; otherwise, the application is now complete).
Note: If your financial institution added bank-defined fields to the Customer Acceptance page, you'll need to see your system administrator for information about these fields.
When an application leaves the Customer Acceptance task, a e-mail notification is sent to all users with an underwriting role in either the business unit in which the application was created. This e-mail notification is tied to the Ready to Decision notification in setup; if your financial institution has enabled the Ready to Decision notification, then you have the Customer Acceptance notification as well.
Note: If your institution has turned on the option for centralized underwriting, these e-mail notifications are sent to all users with an underwriting role in either the business unit in which the application was created or the Relationship Manager's primary business unit.
This table lists the tabs, buttons, and Other Action menu options available on this page.
Page Name |
Tabs |
Buttons |
Other Actions Menu Options |
Customer Acceptance |
Complete Save Cancel Documents View All |
View Application View Decision Email RM Message Board Activity List |