Home > Submitting Business, Consumer, and Dealer Loans for Processing > Government Reporting and Other Information Section
Your financial institution determines whether the Government Reporting and Other Information section is optional or not-applicable on a product by product basis.
Generating a Government Reporting and Other Information Form
To generate a Government Reporting and Other
Information form, you first need to click the
icon. If you select the icon and then decide that this information
does not apply to this product, use the "undo" icon to remove
the form.
Your System Administrator chooses whether or not this section appears on a per-product basis. If the section appears but is not applicable to this application, select the No Government Reporting information was provided for this application checkbox.
This section can also be edited/accessed from the Home page, if access has been granted, allowing users to edit during the various processing tasks, and on completed applications. Authorized users will see the Edit Government HMDA/CRA Information option when they right-click applications on their Home page.
Here are notes about some of the fields in this section:
The Application Received Via list identifies whether the application was received over the internet, by mail, by personal interview, or over the telephone.
The Show Disclosure Text button is used to display the disclosure message that you can use when taking applications over the telephone or in a personal interview.
The Primary Applicant and Co-Applicant Sex, Ethnicity, and Race fields refer to the primary applicant and co-applicant created in the Applicants/Co-Applicants section. All government monitoring information about customers that you enter on the Baker Hill Bank2Consumer application page is recorded on the printed Bank2Consumer credit application. A checklist of government monitoring information questions is printed on the credit application, with the appropriate answers checked.
HMDA information is required in order to complete the application. Note that the HMDA information also appears on the Decision Application page. Your HMDA application data is available for download as a CSV file; for more information, contact your Relationship Manager.
The Annual Income of Applicant(s) field is shown in this section, as it is used for all products subject to HMDA reporting.
While the product subject to HMDA reporting will be automatically assigned a unique reporting number based on the application number and product number, you may designate a different number for the product for HMDA reporting purposes (such as a loan number for closed products) in the Application or Loan Number field.
The Request for Preapproval field allows you to designate whether the application is for a preapproval of a loan transaction.
If your financial institution has requested the download option (in .csv format) for HMDA reporting and has requested that this file contain geocodes (rather than contain the property address fields that may be used for batch geocoding using another tool), you'll see these additional fields: the Property (Geocode) fields and the Geocode Lookup link that jumps you to the FFIEC Geocoding website to look up the geocodes for the property address.
Government Reporting and Other Information Section on the Decision Application page
The Government Reporting and Other Information Section on the Decision Application page consists of the HMDA fields (note that these fields are also available on the Application page, under the Government Reporting and Other Information Section, along with the Government Information for Monitoring Purposes section).
The HMDA fields on the Decision page are required for all approved or declined applications. Please note that you will fill these fields in manually, copying data down from the Product section for the Loan Amount field.
This section can also be edited/accessed by right-clicking an application from the Home page, if access has been granted, allowing users to edit during the various processing tasks, and on completed applications.
This topic was last updated September 24, 2018.