List of Similars


If Experian and/or Dun & Bradstreet could not find a match for a business or organization on your application when pulling business reports, a list of possible matches, or List of Similars, is returned so that you can choose the appropriate business or organization from the list and then retrieve the reports for that selected business or organization.  When your business bureau search returns a List of Similars, the application is automatically rerouted to the Edit task.  In the Edit task, you can open the Application page and revise the business information and refine your bureau search.

Because bureau reports can be pulled from different sources, the way you interact with the returned List of Similars also differs based on the source of the list.  Regardless of how you refine the business information, click the Complete button at the bottom of the Application page to resubmit the revised application to pull the appropriate business bureau report and/or score, as applicable.


See Also...       


This topic was last updated February 8, 2019.

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