Business Tab


The Business tab is found in all business applications.  This tab supports multiple businesses, with a subsection for each business.  The business name you entered on the New Application page is automatically designated as the Primary business.

Completing the Business Tab

A Business tab is generated for the Primary business (the business name you entered on the New Application page).  To generate a form for an additional business, click the newicon.gif icon.  Clicking the icon again generates a second form, and so on, for as many forms as you need.

Options for working with the business subsections can be found on the Action menu.  Click the business_menu_icon.gif icon at the right end of the subsection heading bar to see the available options.

Note:  The Open Consolidated Statements and Spread Statements options may also be available for products configured to use the Consolidated Financial Statement.

Notes about some of the fields in this section:


See Also...       


This topic was last updated February 8, 2019.

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