Dealer Acceptance Tab

See Also...

After the application has received its final decision, the application goes to the Communicate Decision automated task, in which Baker Hill Bank2Dealer automatically sends the dealer a fax communicating the decision information along with any notes entered in the Additional Information for Notification area of the Decision Application page. (Note: Fax coversheets are not standard; contact your relationship manager for details on this optional feature.)

In addition to the automatic fax, both the Relationship Manager associated with the application and the person who entered the application can be notified by email that the application has been decisioned.

Depending on how the product on the application is configured, the product’s decision, and the outcome of the fax attempt, the application may then go to the Dealer Acceptance (also known as Customer Acceptance) task.

Communicate Decision Task (Automated Fax)

The application rests in the Communicate Decision automated task until the fax has been sent. (While the application is in this task, you can search for the application on your home page and right-click it to perform various actions, such as adding comments or editing CRA information.)

The following table describes the fax process:

Fax Number Status

Action Taken

If your administrator entered a fax number for the selected dealer contact in your Bank2Dealer setup…

Bank2Dealer automatically faxes the decision to the dealer contact.

If no fax number was entered for the dealer contact…

Bank2Dealer uses the fax number entered for the dealer (business unit) itself.

If no fax number was entered for either the contact or the dealer…


If the fax could not be sent successfully…

Approved applications may enter the Dealer Acceptance (also called Customer Acceptance) task or move on to the next applicable task.

Denied applications move to Completed status.

Regardless of approval or denial, the Fax Failure icon will be displayed on the home page with the application to alert you to the fact that no fax was sent.

Any fax failure is considered a fax exception, which makes the Clear Fax Exception hover menu option appear. You can clear the fax exception icon by sending the fax manually from the Dealer Acceptance task, or you can right-click the application on your home page and choose Send Fax.


After the application has passed the Communicate Decision automated task, you can right-click the application on your home page (either from your tab selection, if you’re the current owner of the application, or from the search results) and choose the View Fax Status option to see whether the fax was sent successfully. To ensure you're seeing the current status, you can refresh the fax status page at any time by clicking the Refresh button.

Note: Any errors that you see on the Fax Status page are also noted in the System Messages section of the application (on the Dealer Acceptance page).

Dealer Acceptance Task (Optional)

The application enters the Dealer Acceptance task based on product configuration, decision type, and/or fax status.

You have a couple options for communicating the decision to the dealer if Bank2Dealer could not fax the decision:

The Dealer Acceptance page is where you indicate whether the dealer has accepted the terms or wants to negotiate the terms. (If the application does not go through the Dealer Acceptance task, you use the Verification of Contract Terms page to enter the dealer’s position.)

Note: If both Dealer Acceptance and Verification of Contract Terms are disabled for the product in the application, it is the booking user’s responsibility to contact the dealer.

If the dealer chooses to withdraw the application or if the dealer does not give you an answer within a certain amount of time (according to your bank’s policy), you can easily complete the application by means of the Complete With Withdraw option available by right-clicking the application on your home page. If you complete the application in this manner, the withdraw reason on the application will be indicated as Implied Dealer Withdraw.

If the dealer accepts the terms, completing the Dealer Acceptance task will send the application to the Verification of Contract Terms task. If the application is not configured to require Verification of Contract Terms, it goes to Booking.

Tabs, Buttons, and Other Actions Menu Options

This table lists the tabs, buttons, and Other Action menu options available on this page.

Page Name



Other Actions Menu Options

Dealer Acceptance








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