An application goes to the Pending Negotiation task only if the applicant requested different terms and/or conditions. Note that the applicant is given the opportunity to negotiate the offer only when the application goes to the Customer Acceptance task.
The Customer Negotiation page contains the following tabs:
On the Customer Negotiation page, the products for which the applicant requested different terms and/or conditions are indicated by the text "Decision: Pending" in the product heading bar. Expand the section by clicking anywhere in the section heading bar.
Note: The Lending Authority setting, Allow Override of Rate, as defined in your user record, affects your ability to override the Authorized Rate, Rate Type, and Index fields. If the application's Total Score is not within your Score Authority range, you will not be able to override the decision yourself.
Each pending product on the Products tab contains the following sections:
Terms (current): The terms of approval are shown here.
Conditions (current): If the underwriter conditionally approved the product, the underwriter's conditions for approval are shown here. If this section is blank, the application was not conditionally approved; rather, the product was defined by your financial institution as requiring customer acceptance.
Customer's Position: This section shows what the relationship manager entered on the Customer Acceptance page as the customer's request.
Authorized: If you accept the customer's negotiated terms/conditions, choose the Approve option from the Decision list. Otherwise, choose Decline or Withdraw. (The Authorized section works the same as it does on the Decision Application page.)
If you approve the product and select any conditions, the application will return to the Customer Acceptance task.
Note: The Negotiation page requires the Score and/or Credit Policy Decline Override reasons if the underwriter overrides the recommended decision.
This table lists the tabs, buttons, and Other Action menu options available on this page.
Page Name |
Tabs |
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Negotiation |
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