Committee Decision Tab

See Also...

The Committee Decision tab allows a single user to record the decision and rationale of each member of the committee. Use this tab to note any objections voiced by committee members about this deal.

Note: This optional section is for recording the committees overall decision on the deal. It does not replace the product-specific decisioning fields in the Decisions tab. A single user who has the Underwriter security role and sufficient approval authority to approve the deal must enter an authorized decision for each product on the application, regardless of whether any data was entered in the Committee Decision section.

The Committee Decision tab is presented on the Decision page based on the total exposure of the application. If the total exposure exceeds the exposure threshold set in the product definition, this section appears on the Decision page.

Entering a Committee Decision

Use the steps in the following table to enter committee decision information.

  1. From the Committee field, select the name of the committee.

    Note: Your administrator defines the committees that appear in this list. Refer to the Lending Committee Setup section of this document for more information.

  2. The Decision field is read-only. It is populated automatically, based on the decision selected for the product in the Products, Scores and Decisions section:

    • If the product decision is Approve or Counteroffer, the committee Decision field is set to Approve.

    • If the product decision is Withdraw or Decline, the committee Decision is set to Decline.

  3. In the Decision Date field, enter today's date or click the calendar button to pick a date from the pop-up calendar.

  4. In the Credit Authorization section, select the committee members name from the Decisioned By list. The Decisioned By list contains all users who have been assigned to the committee you selected above.

  5. From the Decision field in the Credit Authorization section, select the committee members decision.

  6. In the Date field in the Credit Authorization section, enter the date of this committee members decision or click the calendar button to pick a date from the pop-up calendar.

  7. Enter the committee members comments, if any, in the Comments field.

  8. To add a row for another committee members decision, click the Add Decisioner button. Repeat Steps 4 through 7 for the second committee member.

  9. Repeat Step 8 for any additional decisions you want to enter.

  10. When you click Complete to submit the final decision, Baker Hill Origination verifies that the committee you selected has sufficient lending authority to decision the application. If not, you see a message asking you to select another committee. Click OK to return to the Decision page and select a new committee.


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