Search for Statement Analyzer Customer Dialog Box


Note:  This topic only applies if your institution is using Baker Hill Bank2Business integration with Baker Hill Statement Analyzer for statement spreading.

When you first attempt to create a statement for a client, or when you click either the Assign Client or the Reset Client button on the Consolidated Financial Statement page, the Search for Statement Analyzer Client dialog opens.

Use this dialog to identify an existing Baker Hill Statement Analyzer or Baker Hill Advisor client record to associate with this Bank2Business client, as described in the following steps.

The Search area now allows you to search by the Name, the Tax ID/SSN, or the Client Number. The Name and Tax ID/SSN fields are automatically populated with the name and tax ID of the client in Origination.  The Client # field is not populated by default.

Note:  The Tax ID/SSN and Client # field searches are exact match searches, unlike the Name field, which will search on a partial name. Since these are exact match fields, if you do not know the Tax ID, Social Security Number, or the client number, we recommend you leave these fields blank.

  1. Enter the Name you wish to search for, if the default value is not correct.

    Note:  You must enter at least 2 characters in this field in order to return any results.

  2. Click Search to search for your criteria.  If Baker Hill Statement Analyzer or Baker Hill Advisor has one or more clients matching your search criteria, they are displayed in a list in the Results section of the Search dialog.  If the found clients already have a statement, then the industry of the spread is displayed in the Statement column.

    If the search returns no clients, the Results section does not display any clients.

  3. If the desired client is listed in the Results list, right-click to select that client.  If the desired client is not listed, create a new client in the Create a New Client in Statement Analyzer section.

    Note:  The Create New Client section and functions are not available until you have performed a search.  This feature is designed to help discourage the creation of duplicate clients and statement records in Baker Hill Advisor and Baker Hill Statement Analyzer.

    If you have opened this dialog from the Business section of the application, the Client Type dropdown list allows you to select to create a Business, Individual, or Organization as a client.

    The default Client Type is Business and the Name and Tax ID/SSN are imported from Origination.  If you are creating a business or organization client, the name and tax ID cannot be edited.

  4. If you choose to create an individual as a client, select Individual from the Client Type dropdown list.

  5. Enter the individual’s name information, in the Name fields. The Tax ID/SSN field is populated with the information from the application in Baker Hill Origination and cannot be changed.

    Note:  If you entered this Search dialog from the Principal section of the application, the Name and Tax ID/SSN fields are populated with the information you entered on the application and cannot be edited.

  6. Click Save to save your client selection.  If you selected or created a new client, Baker Hill Statement Analyzer displays the following message to acknowledge that you made a change.

"When a client in use has been set, the client name is displayed in the Baker Hill Statement Analyzer Setting section in the Statement Analyzer Client in use drop-down list."

  1. Click OK to return to the Consolidated Financial Statement page.

Please refer to the online Help within Baker Hill Statement Analyzer for more information about how to create a client.


See Also...       


This topic was last updated February 8, 2019.

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