Small Business (SMB) Industry

See Also...

The table that follows outlines the way rows from a Baker Hill Statement Analyzer statement spread in the small business industry are mapped into the Consolidated Financial Statement format.

Note: Extraordinary items from Baker Hill Statement Analyzer are consolidated into the Other Income Amount line. These values do not impact the Profit Before Taxes calculation; however, they are correctly accounted for in the NET INCOME line.

This row in the Consolidated Financial Statement...

Represents the consolidation of these row values in Statement Analyzer...

1 Cash and Liquid Assets

1 Cash

2 Marketable Securities & Equiv.

2 Accounts Receivable

8 Net Accounts Receivable

3 Inventory

16 Total Inventory

4 Other Current Assets

10 Federal Income Tax Receivable

11 Other Receivables

18 Prepaid Expenses

19 Costs in Excess of Billings

20 Other Current Assets


22 Total Current Assets

8 Fixed Assets

34 Net Fixed Assets

9 Intangible Assets

71 Goodwill & Other Intangibles

10 Other Assets

24 Due from Officers

25 Other Rec.- Non current

36 Prepaid Expenses - Non current

37 Deferred Charges  

38 Investments

39 Cash Surrender Value Life Ins.

40 Other Assets

12 Total Assets

43 Total Assets

14 Accounts Payable

55 Total Accounts Payable

15 Notes Payable - Bank

45 Overdrafts

46 Notes Payable - Banks

16 Notes Payable - Other

47 Notes Payable

17 Taxes Payable

64 Federal Income Taxes Payable

18 Current Maturities Long Term Debt

48 Current Portion Long Term Debt

49 Current Portion Long Term Debt

50 Current Portion Long Term Debt

19 Other Current Liabilities

57 Accrued Wages/Salaries

58 Accrued Payroll Taxes

59 Accrued Interest

60 Other Accruals

65 Other Current Liabilities


67 Total Current Liabilities

23 Long Term Debt

69 Long Term Debt

70 Long Term Debt

71 Capital Lease Obligations

24 Other Liabilities

72 Due to Officers

73 Deferred Income Taxes

74 Deferred Income  

75 Subordinated Debt

76 Minority Interest

77 Other Liabilities


79 Total Liabilities


92 Total Net Worth

30 Net Sales

100 Total Sales

31 Cost of Sales

102 Cost of Goods Sold #1

103 Cost of Goods Sold #2

104 Cost of Goods Sold #3

32 Interest Expense

128 Interest Expense

33 Depreciation & Amortization

105 Depreciation

114 Depreciation

115 Amortization

34 Business Rent Expense

111 Lease/Rent Expense

35 Officers Salaries

110 Officers Salaries

36 Selling G&A Expenses

109 Selling, General & Admin. Exp.

112 Other Operating Expenses

113 Other Operating Expenses

116 Bad Debt Expense

37 Other Income Amount ***

122 Interest Income

123 Gain on Sale of Assets

124 Other Income

142 Extraordinary Gain

143 Extraordinary Loss (-)

144 Effect of Accounting Change

38 Other Expenses

129 Non-Cash Interest Expense

130 Loss on Sale of Assets

131 Other Expense

40 Profit Before Taxes

135 Profit Before Tax

42 Taxes

137Current Taxes (-)

138 Deferred Taxes (-)




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