The Signer/Co-Signer tab appears in business applications. Your financial institution determines whether this section is required, optional, or not-applicable on a product-by-product basis.
Generating a Signer/Co-signer Form
To generate a Signer/Co-Signer form, you first
need to click the icon.
Clicking the icon again generates a second form, and so on,
for as many forms as you need.
Note: In all cases where you need to include Signers only or Co-Signers only, you must use the Signers/Co-Signers Only section.
Some things to note:
In order to help your financial institution comply with the USA PATRIOT Act (requiring positive identification of new customers), the personal identification fields (Existing Customer, Primary/Secondary Identification, Description) display for all applications. Note that if you mark the Existing Customer field as Yes, meaning that you have a reasonable belief as to the identity of the person, the other identification fields are not required.
Credit reports are not retrieved on Signers/Co-Signers.
Data entered in the Signers/Co-Signers Only section will not be used to calculate the FICO SBSS Total Score. If no Principals/Guarantors were entered, a non-predictive SBSS Total Score will be displayed on the Decision page.
If your institution is using the LaserPro Document Preparation Interface, you must select at least one Signer or Signer & Guarantor as the type.
Note for LaserPro users: If your financial institution employs the Bank2Business LaserPro Document Preparation Interface add-on feature, which is for use with Harland Financial Solutions’ LaserPro, you will need to require either the Signers/Co-Signers Only section or the Principals/Guarantors section for every application that will be exported to LaserPro.
This topic was last updated February 8, 2019.