Welcome to Baker Hill Origination's Help system!
This Help system was created to assist you in using Origination, whether Baker Hill Bank2Business (B2B), Baker Hill Bank2Consumer (B2C), and/or Baker Hill Bank2Dealer (B2D), to its fullest potential.
If you need additional assistance after reviewing Help, contact Baker Hill Client Support.
Note: Updates to this Help system are in process as of the first quarter of 2018. Topics (like this one) that have been updated will include the following footer: This topic was last updated March 26, 2018. (The footer's date will be when the updated topic was first available to you.)
Help Contents
Use the Contents pane on the left to navigate through the hierarchy of Help topics in this Help system. (If the pane is not currently selected, click the Contents button in the upper left corner of this window.)
Click a purple book icon or its name to open that specific book and see a list of its Help topics and any additional books.
Click on any Help topic's title to display the topic (which will replace this topic in the main content area of this Help system, until you reselect this or another topic).
Click the Index button to view keywords and their related subkeywords, for the hundreds of subjects in Origination.
As you type, the Index keyword list updates, shifting with each letter you enter. For example, type "t" and the keywords shown are those at the start of the list of those beginning with "t" (e.g., tasks, TAX Industry, template layouts). But add an "r", and the keyword list displays the Index entry for trade lines.
Click on any Index keyword that displays an orange link when you hover over it to display its Help topic(s). All subkeywords link to a Help topic(s).
Click the Search button to look in Origination Help for any word(s) you're searching for information about. The Search function searches the entire contents of this Help system.
Enter a word to return search results of all topics that include that word (either in the topic's title, or the topic's content). Search results are ranked by what is determined to be a best match, and the total number of topics that include your search term is listed. For example, search for "scoring", and the Search function returns 94 topics, with the Lending and Score Authority topic first, About Score-based Recommendations second, Credit Score Disclosure Notice third, etc.
To search for a phrase:
Click the Search button.
In the Type in the word(s) to search for: field, type the phrase (i.e., more than one word) you want to search for, in quotes.
Example: "sbss 7.0"
Press the Enter key (on your keyboard).
The search will return only those topics that include the exact phrase you entered (currently 13 topics, for the example above). This significantly reduces the search results compared to searching for the same two words, but without the quotation marks around them. If you use the example below, the topics returned will be those that include any occurrence of the word "sbss" and also any occurrence of the numbers "7.0". Currently that is 59 topics!
Non-phrase example: sbss 7.0
Topic Organization
Topics in this Help system are organized two ways:
Task-based topics explain concepts and provide general instructions that apply across all Origination offerings. You will find these topics listed under the main books in the Contents pane.
Offering-specific topics provide details about particular pages or dialogs used when completing a specific type of loan application. For example, you would use the Small Business New Application Page topic to find information about a small business field on the New Application page. You can find these topics in the books within the main books, each labeled by offering (B2B, B2C, etc.).
Print Topic
Each topic in this Help system includes a Print Topic button at the bottom of the topic, providing a quick way to print the current topic. When you click Print Topic, you'll see the standard Windows printer selection box, which also gives you the option of printing to a file rather than to a printer.
Note: Many topics in this Help system contain expanding-text links, which look like this . (Click the "this" link again to make this text disappear.) If you want a printout of the full topic, including the expanding text, you will need to expand the expanding text (by clicking all the expanding-text links in the topic) before using the Print Topic button. (To make the expanding text disappear, simply click each expanding-text link a second time.)
This topic was last updated July 30, 2018.