This topic outlines the many types of help available for you in addition to this Help system.
System Requirements/Compatibility
To download the latest system requirements and compatibility information for Baker Hill Origination, Baker Hill Advisor, and Baker Hill Statement Analyzer, go to Advisor and Origination System Requirements and Compatibility. Note: This document was completely restructured and updated as of March 1, 2018. You will need a login to access this document via the Baker Hill website. See the Online Resources section below for more information.
This document is in PDF format, which requires that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. The Reader is free software that you can download from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.
Your Financial Institution's Administrator
Your first and primary source of support is your financial institution's Administrator for Origination. He/she has been trained on the Origination solution and taken our Administration exam. This internal contact should be your initial contact for support issues, as he/she is most familiar with your FI's setup and operations.
Online Resources
The online resources area of the Baker Hill website (http://www.bakerhill.com) is a good source of additional information about Baker Hill Origination. All clients may access the Client Portal; however, you do need an Online Resources account.
If you don’t already have an account, it is easy to get one set up: go to https://www.bakerhill.com/client-portal/, click the Login button, click the Click here to Register link, and follow the instructions to set up a login. Your request should be processed.
If you already have an account:
Click the Login button (in the CLIENT LOGIN section)
Log in (i.e., type in your Username and Password and click the Log In button)
Click Knowledgebase
Click a module related to Origination (e.g., Baker Hill Bank2Business, Baker Hill Bank2Consumer)
Select a product document you want from the list, and follow the instructions for downloading it.
The Client Portal includes a Knowledgebase of documents for download, as well as frequently-asked questions (FAQs). The most common documents in the Knowledgebase are what Baker Hill refers to as Changes documents. Changes documents outline the numerous updates made to Origination for each quarterly release. Sometimes, additional documentation is provided for a hot fix (i.e., a correction release done outside of the standard release schedule).
Origination Status Link
The Baker Hill Origination Status link, located on the lower center of your page, directs you to the Current Status page of the http://www.bakerhill.com website. This page displays the current performance status of the Origination solution by using a combination of color-coding and textual descriptions.
To access the Current Status page, click directly on the hyperlink located on the bottom of the page, or use the following address: http://client portal.bakerhill.com/status.
View Loan Application Status
Many questions can be answered by checking where an application is in the process — for example, who currently has responsibility for the application. To do so, use the View Status feature (from your Home page or the Home page search results list, right-click an application and choose the View Status option).
Browser Status Messages
It is often helpful to know when your Internet Explorer browser is communicating with the Support Origination site (your database on the servers). Status messages appear in the browser status area (lower-left corner of your screen) when this communication is taking place.
Baker Hill Client Support
When you need further help, Baker Hill's Client Support team is available by email or fax:
Email: support@bakerhill.com
Fax: (317) 571-5125
Specify your financial institution's name, location (including city and state), and your telephone number in your message.
Tip: From the Support Origination menu bar, choose Help > E-Mail Support to automatically generate a blank email message addressed to the Client Support team.
This topic was last updated April 23, 2018.