Corporate Guarantor Tab


The Corporate Guarantor tab displays in business applications.  Your financial institution determines whether this section is required, optional, or not-applicable on a product-by-product basis.

When you add a business applicant for products for which corporate Guarantors are required or optional, select the entity’s relationship with the loan in the Business Association fields.  Select Borrower or Guarantor from the Business Liability Type list.  For businesses that are Guarantors, enter the Entity Guarantee and Limited Dollar Amounts information.  The corporate Guarantors’ information is used to populate the Relationships list on the Debt Relationship Management dialog.

Note:  The primary business must be designated as Borrower.

Only corporate guarantors created in the Corporate Guarantor tab of the application are included in the Debt Relationship Management dialog.


See Also...       


This topic was last updated February 8, 2019.

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